Saturday, September 1, 2007

Lindsay Lohan Sentenced to 1 Day in Jail

Lindsay Lohan has pled no contest to misdemeanor charges, and will serve 1 day in jail.

Today, Lindsay Lohan pled "no contest" to the following charges - in total, 7 misdemeanor charges were laid for the two separate arrests:

  • cocaine possession (misdemeanor drug possession)
  • driving with a blood alcohol level over the limit of .08 percent
  • being under the influence of cocaine
  • reckless driving

A no contest plea is neither an admission of guilt, nor a denial. Two counts of driving under the influence were dropped in the plea agreement.

Lindsay Lohan was not charged with any felony charges. Although Lindsay possessed cocaine on both arrests, the amounts were below the .05 grams required for felony charges. The DA considered Lindsay Lohan to be struggling under her addiction - hence the two very close arrests - but her immediate check-ins to rehab helped as well. Lindsay Lohan's unstable family condition was a factor as well.

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